This week we participated to the most British of those school traditions in England – Sports Day. I was slightly dreading it beforehand, since Number One Son has not reached the level where he can comfortably skip or do things with a hula-hoop. He is also easily distracted and becomes bored, so I was wondering, how it will turn out.
I should not have been worried. His group started with the things he was stronger at and he did try every single event. Even if he is not very good in throwing ball, he tried a cricket type activity that was not a great success. However, throwing bean bag was OK and he hit inside a hula-hoop ring every single time. It was only the nearest one, but he is only on the reception class. Their team seem to have reached the highest score in that activity.
He was as good as the other children of his age with the hockey stick, and he really did like to manoeuvre with a football. The groups were mixed and he was clearly twinned with the tallest, very gentle six-grader, who was cheering him up, high-fiving and helping when he started to linger off. Similarly, the teaching assistants and teachers were helping him to concentrate, and supported and guided him, when his concentration lapsed.
It was a joy to follow such team work. The atmosphere was lovely and the sun was shining almost all the time, so I and Archaeologist Husband were completely red on our faces at the end of the day. The activities finished with a picnic, so we three had sandwiches and fruit outside and then headed for a play date.