Sunday, 21 June 2015

The longest weekend

Our Barbecue Master

The solstice weekend seems this year jam-packed with activities. First it was time for Number One Son’s school summer fair at Saturday midday. Then we went all family to the Midsummer barbecue of the Finnish Saturday School in the East Midlands in Leicester. Today it is Fathers’ Day and one of the best mates of Number One Son has his sixth birthday. With animals! That will be fun. Number One Son so enjoyed petting corner in the Riverside Festival.

The Saturday did not start well. The faint drizzle came and went, but it was only overcast when we headed to the school gates. Number One Son’s class had rehearsed a Spiderman Dance, but the heaven opened just when they were about to convene and all the teachers could do was to carry the CD players to the safety. Number One Son had even his Spiderman T-shirt and trainers on! The rain continued, but the atmosphere was nice and Number One Son really enjoyed picking a duck from the pool and gold sieving. He was proudly presenting his treasure to his Bam Bam today during a Fathers’ Day phone call to the South.

I had serious doubts about heading to the barbecue, but the rain stopped momentarily and somebody in the fair said that the forecast is better for later afternoon. Anyway, the lady who had invited us is known to be very generous and preparing lovely food, so at least one had to turn up to assess the situation. I should not have worried. Even the Spiderman Dance was reanacted on the lawn.

It was unclear if it was overcast, rainy or sunny, since all weathers were present at the same time and the seating covers were moved and removed several times. But we did have a barbecue, eat too much and enjoy a Very Finnish Midsummer with all the seriousness required - with happy laughs as well. Nevertheless, once again I and Archaeologist Husband had the shortest discussion on the Earth: “Who is driving home?” Should I have asked... He happily drank a few beers...

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