Saturday, 12 May 2012

Out for a night

We are very lucky since our neighbour is a nursery nurse and she does a fair share of babysitting. Recently we went out for the first time so early that Number One Son had not gone to bed, yet. We were anxious how the evening would pan out since Number One Son had recently been very volatile at bed times. He has just kept calling us from his room door and refusing to go back to his bed. However, Number One Son likes the neighbour and is known to have tried to enter their house on our way to the park.

When Number One Neighborough arrived Number One Son was looking visibly tired after an early bath. However, the sound of the voice of the neighbour refreshed Number One Son and he requested to join her downstairs. He chose his favourite movie and started to present the Cars to Number One Neighbour. Thus we could make our way to the Warwick Arts Centre.

It is Jack Dee with the panel! (photo from the

We headed to the recording of the Sorry, I haven’t a clue Radio4 programme. It turned out this series is the 40th anniversary tour and due to having been invited as part of Stratford-upon-Avon festival we heard an extensive amount of Bard related content together with games retracing the different events of 1972. Not to mention the jokes making the most of the fact that this Warwick is actually in Coventry. The panel was headed by Jack Dee and his style is just right for this type of ‘antipanel’ show. Even Mornington Crescent made sense this time around – with anagrams.

The house was full and the atmosphere was delighted. At one point the whole audience joined Barry in singing Harry Nilson’s version of ‘Living without you’, the song more recently warbled by Mariah Carey.

This night out was fabulous. Good company and I were not driving. This meant I could have a pint of beer at the interval. We just made it to the bar after queuing for a while. As Jack Dee said “thousand people were buying beer from three pensioners”.

When we got back home – later than we expected – Number One Son was happily sleeping. Admittedly, he had been asking for ‘Mama’ but I think this was a joint name for both of us. He misses his mummy but loves to play with his daddy.

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